

Legislative and policy monitoring

At Lykke Advice, we offer you all the support you need to identify key policy priorities, challenges and opportunities way before the beginning of the legislative process.

Government stakeholders at European level can have a significant impact on a company’s operation and value. By shaping the regulatory environment, they can influence the way businesses run and how they develop their growth strategy. This is particularly true in these turbulent and transformative times.

In Brussels, the European Commission set a whole new generation of policy initiatives in motion through the launch of the European Green Deal. Meanwhile, a new array of policy instruments is set to break down the siloed structure of areas such as the environment, trade, agriculture, manufacturing and health, and will heavily reshape the EU regulatory framework in the years to come.

In this complex landscape, rapidly reacting to the EU legislative process is crucial to anticipating and shaping the business environment of tomorrow. And yet, navigating it and keeping track of different legislative processes can prove to be a real challenge.

At Lykke Advice, we’ll help you meet this challenge by providing unique insights into understanding the impact for your business and the right tools to turn it to your advantage.

By listening to your needs and goals, we will develop tailor-made solutions to help you engage with the EU policy-making process and easily keep track of relevant initiatives. 

Our toolkit includes:

Our added value lies in an extensive experience of EU Government Affairs and a broad network of contacts within the EU institutions, stakeholder platforms and trade associations.